508 Compliance

As a company that does business with federal agencies, MAIG is required to comply with Section 508 guidelines, meaning that all of our digital communications must be accessible. Digital communications include, but are not limited to, website content, emails, computer software, apps, and PDF documents. MAIG seeks to bid on more 508 compliant-based work in the future, and continues to increase our accessibility by consistently reviewing and updating our compliance strategies for our clients and our company as a whole.

American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters and Translators PSD CDI tactile protactile deaf-blind

ASL Interpreting

We're a highly qualified, skilled service provider with one of largest pools ASL interpreters in the nation.

Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) on demand asl foreign language interpreters translators

Video Remote Interpreting

Choose between our web-based platform or on-demand interpreting app for ASL and foreign languages.

CART Communication Access Real-time Captioning

Real-time Captioning

Communication Access Real-time Captioning (CART) offers 99.1% accurate verbatum transcripts post assignment.

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